Thursday, 21 June 2012


Stand and Deliver... your money or your life ?

2 Vids

2 "Nu" sketches gone up... they're ok. Been experimenting with Green screen in "The golden fleece"
and gun muzzle flash FX in "Promoting Johnny Vimto" Both were completely Ad-libbed - no script...It shows I guess. These were filmed as part of a Happy Birthday message... but wanted to show them while the new stuff is still in production.

Also, I'm looking to add an old DVD I did between 2000 and 2004 called the 'Eleventh Hour'.
It was a first attempt at Christian Prophetic/Comedy/Sketches.
Done very cheaply but was an attempt to do something that was not really out there at the time; and to be honest still isn't. Much of what is classed as Christian Comedy is "Sunday Skits", clichés or at best too obvious. There's a place for all that style of course, but there's also a need for something with an edge to it; perhaps even swagger (without the arrogance or pride) because of Who in in our hearts.
Passion and attitude of Who God is, in us would be good in this area of communication.
Sanctified Satire?

Punk (on the) Rock Prophecy? - maybe? maybe not? but the world does need a loving kick up the **** (and so too, sadly, does part of the church)

I know there's "nothing new under the sun" but stop "Cutting & Pasting", stop the clichés, stop trying to emulate your favourite... whatever...
Who are you? - really?
Who does God say you are? - Be That! ...THINK!!!

The intention of bunging together the stuff in the 'Eleventh Hour' was that someone would see it and DO BETTER !!! - wouldn't be difficult really.
We've yet to see a Spike Milligan/MontyPython esq Christian Sketch show... so I guessed, God willing, I had to DO BETTER (for my part anyway) ...I've known for sometime I needed to crack on and model something. (I'm wearing a nice little number by Jasper Conran at the moment.)

There is some great Christian stand-up comedians out there though, like Bob Smiley, Tim Hawkins and one of my favourite comedians (and also Harry Hills), is Tim Vine from the UK. (Not many sit down ones I've noticed)
Tim Vine is up there with the secular circuit, and holds (held?) the Guinness Record for "most jokes told in an hour". Love this guy.

God has a sense of humour... I mean come on... look in the mirror... (joke!)
With "Not Funny Dave", bits will make sense to only some and not others etc. This is intentional.
Much of what I'll be filming is intended to be "Prophetic". It will have an EDGE (you've been warned) and many Christians will not get it... (or like it!) it's not necessarily always for them though.
I remember someone calling my stuff "nonsense" but then preceded to ask if some sketches could be played at the Greenbelt Arts Festival they were heavily involved in (?)

Having said all this I'm writing for TWO streams: They'll be two definite styles for Two different audiences

i) "the church" to poke fun/comment on "Traditions of man" in the church that are followed without question or as importantly, without understanding. (That lack of practicing discernment in "what's what" is a major target for me)
The humour is never, NEVER aimed at The Lord !!!... God will NOT be mocked!!!
Do you hear that "Self-proclaimed Sheriff"?! - the aim is only at things that people of a religious 'spirit' have "clogged up the river" with - old and modern!

ii) "the world"... without compromising... I need to be real and amongst "my tribe out there" - those that will get me. (I don't mean attack me with a hammer, I mean understand the type of humour/point I'm making) - Do expect some left-field evangelism and sketches about evolution theory, atheism, Harry Bl**dy Potter... I don't know... it's gonna be demolishing arguments/strongholds (hopefully)
We'll see I guess... please pray for me.

anyway... that might explain some things to you early-birds who have found this site... please stay tooned.. cos there's more on the way...

Thanks for spending 10 mins of your precious life reading this... it's very kind of you. - No refunds... sorry.

c ya


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Mind Games

The only way to win a "Mind-Game", is not to play !!!

This is my quote, thank you very much made on Friday 15th June 2012.
If you hear it anywhere else... you herd it first HERE !!!

(Yes, I meant to spell 'herd' like that)

... this is not a mind-game by the way!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

All is well with the world

Today, absolutely no cup handles broke off loading the dishwasher... I repeat absolutely no cup handles broke off loading the dishwasher. So there's nothing to worry about.  Everything is going to be alright... Everything is going to be alright...

...meanwhile in Eritrea.

Friday, 8 June 2012


Was reading about these internet dating websites... I guess for them to work properly, people need to make sure that they, at least, "click".
(That's a computer joke by the way)

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Poo Face Book

Looked at 'Fiends Reunited' - yes I meant to spell it like that!
So many familiar Feces - yes I meant to spell it like that!
Some of the people are a real shite for sore eyes -yes I meant to spell it... etc etc

Hated school really... just sat in the corner listening to a home made tape of The Smiths, Half Man Half Biscuit, The Cure and The Specials.

"Cheer up, it may never happen" a teacher used to say...

I replied "That's easy for you to say, I was thinking about World War II"


New look to the site now. Bought a theme for Rapidweaver 5 yesterday... looks nicer... still gonna meddle (haven't heard that word since Scooby Doo) still gonna meddle with (and I would've got away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids) meddle with the look a bit. Got a couple of new vids to upload at some point.

Really want to film some new stuff!!! SOOOOOOn ha ha ha ha ha h ... burp