Saturday, 31 May 2014

Spelling Bee

Went to watch an international "spelling bee"
- it was rubbish, it just kept flying around a bit, before bumping into the window.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Tipping Point

'Prodigals' usually have to get to the place where they become so hungry,
that they eat their own words.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

The Breville Made Me Do It

Just eaten some toasted Baked-Bean Sandwiches...

If it wasn't for Facebook... no one would have ever known

Circular Reasoning

He was "just being honest"

Yeah... thanks for that.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Saturday, 24 May 2014

William, It Was Really Nothing

"They might take our lands!
They might take our lives!
but they will never take our...

...sense of IRONY!!!"

The pictured sculpture in Stirling, Scotland, is of William Wallace. The artist based it on Mel Gibson's film 'Braveheart'; it was hated so much by locals, that the council had to fence it off, to protect it from vandalism.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Who's Going To Be Responsible?

"The massacre of the whole village isn't our fault" said some near-future government who conceived the design and it's autonomous algorithms, "Blame the robot!"
Yes, Naughty Robot!

"You want justice, so we'll dismantle it. How's that?, does that make you feel better?" said Dr Frankenstein to the crowd of grieving survivors, as he got into his limousine and sped away.
He didn't hear them say "no, not really"

Meanwhile, speaking of 'programmed killer robots'... a woman in a burka, blew herself up today in Kabul, killing 12 and injuring 78.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Asylum Seekers

Careful what you ask for...

The World Wide Web

'Money spider' is the term given to spiders of the family Linyphiidae, an almost exclusively northern hemisphere group of moidern spiders typically characterised by being very small and black and difficult to distinguish. In the UK they make up around 40% of the spider fauna, or about 250 species, possibly more.

anyway... the Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced an increase in tax on all 'money spiders', as from the end of June.


There's a saying: "If you can remember the 60's... you were not there"

Well here's another: "If you can remembers the 80's... I'm really sorry, but you WERE there"

Friday, 9 May 2014

BBC Licence Fee

I mean, it could be worse... it could be the Eurovision Song Contest on t.v. this weekend... oh, wait... hang on. Doh.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Next Door

Was looking on Gumtree and there was an advert for a "Star-Gate".
I thought "wow, I'd love one of those..."

Turns out they misspelled it... they were selling a "Stair-Gate". We live in a bungalow anyway.
Still, I'll keep looking; someone must have an inter-dimensional portal facility they're not using anymore.