Friday, 23 January 2015

True Preservation

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it:
and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."
(Jesus in Matthew 16:25)

Friday, 16 January 2015


Last photo of Elmo Impersonator, Jocky Battersby, just as he is spotted by the real Emlo.

Witnesses say Jocky was set upon by Mr Elmo of 233 Sesame Street and killed by being bludgeoned by a large plastic 'number 7', followed by the letter 'B'. He is still at large and considered highly irritating.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Media (do you) Savvy?

Terrible events in Paris recently. Radical Islam (i.e. those that take what the Koran actually says, seriously) is considered by many, to be a murderous 'death-cult'. The "Je Sui Charlie" thing is being held up as a campaign for "free speech".
Sorry, not condoning the evil acts of Mohammed's followers, BUT there's hypocrisy here!
Try saying publicly that homosexuality is biblically defined as a sinful perversion that is an abomination to The Lord, and you'll have Stonewall trying to take you to court for "hate speech".
Are you offended by the above? Is it really Hate Speech? or Free Speech? Can't have it both ways, sorry. So Charlie Hebdo can print all sorts of vile, unkind and disrespectful cartoons and say it's just satire... or is it really... hate speech?
It seems that whoever controls media, decides!
These, of course, are the voices opposed to "censorship" when Christians complain about extreme violence, blasphemy or sordid programmes on TV... but just say something as a Christian that THEY disagree with and watch the very censorship, they claim to oppose, kick in. Hypocrites!

(je ne suis pas drôle)


Gamers... disciples of the most underrated and unrecognised false prophet in your house.