Tuesday, 31 March 2015


UPDATE: 18TH MAY 2015 (There is much truth in Jest)

* UPDATE 21/12/2015 (BBC Article)

Nuclear deal reached with Iran?
Then from Saudi Arabia came "Waaa, that's not fair... if they can have nukes, why can't we?"

*And so began the "Wahhabist Arms-Race", until one day, they all joined forces against the "infidels".
The West then only had four minutes, to try to renegotiate, but no one answered the phone.


Thursday, 26 March 2015

Lambs To The Slaughter

News today, that Zayn Malik is leaving the boy band, One Direction. This "band", who write all their own songs and choreograph all their dance routines and have nearly brought World Peace, will now continue as a four member group.

Zyan with the band on tour in Starving Africa

Arch Kak-Mogul, Simon Cowell, is now busy lining up the next assembly of pied pipers to fleece the undiscerning public of their cash. Watch this space.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Flatchulant Elton John

Elton John is calling for a boycott on Fashion designers Dolce and Gabbana (because they disagree with aspects of his fantasy lifestyle.) Who's going to boycott them? those who attend his parties? Elton and his debauched "circle" of friends, are probably the only ones who can afford Dolce & Gabbana's stuff anyway!

Gentlemen and Gentlemen... the late Elton John

I say boycott Elton John's music!!!... basically, on the premise that it's crap!
Shut up Elton, you big bag of wind! - (and stop burning bibles!)

Monday, 16 March 2015

National Interests

Rumours that the current Russian Naval manoeuvres in the Arctic, are a precursor to a land grab for natural resources are unfounded.

A British Official Person from the Ministry for Appeasement, has said today, "Rather than an annexation of the region, we have been reassured by Moscow, that they are merely ensuring the protection of Russian penguins, within the local population."

Phew... that's all right then.

UPDATE: 26/12/2015 (is anyone actually listening?)

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Where Is President Putin?

So, Just where is President Putin?

Why, he's at Alton Towers of course... not that it's any of your business.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Friday, 6 March 2015

Thursday, 5 March 2015

When Enough, Is Too Much

Buckaroo... the perfect fun game for members of  'passive/aggressive' families everywhere.