Friday, 6 May 2016


If Mr Erdogan was going to stand down, he would have done so already. The news item in todays Washington Post, is implying this. Sensed in 2013 his growing desire to revive and head-up a new Ottoman facist theocracy. Much to pray about here... he has his eyes, ultimately, set on Jerusalem. Time will tell.

Turkish people are hospitable and friendly... I've got a real affection for the place. When I went to Istanbul in 2013, as part of a church ministry team, there was already legislation coming in to make it a criminal act to criticise the PM/President. When freedom of speech is shut down and the press are silenced by threats, it sets up a nation for potential abuse. (Take note Mr Trump!!!)

Please do pray for the nation of Turkey.

UPDATE 15/7/2016:
The (false flag) excuse Mr. Erdogen wanted for a clamp-down/purge of opposition?
(On the same night as Bohemian Grove Care Ceremony takes place - hmmm)
After all this concludes, expect "emergency powers" to be invoked for the "good" of the "democracy".

Another blog post by me HERE

UPDATE 16/7/2016:

and... UPDATE 17/7/2016:

And now folks (it's getting silly now) an Update regarding the update on 15/7/2016
Here come the 'emergency powers' for the sake of democracy. UPDATE 20/7/2016

Ok, time for a sing-a-long...  ready?...

UPDATE 15/4/2017

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