Friday, 6 September 2013

Downton Abbey

I've been writing a script for the next series of Downton Abbey. It goes something like this:

Mr Carson: 
"An important telegram for you, my lord"

Earl of Grantham: 
"Thank you Carson" 

Countess of Grantham: 
"What's wrong dear?"

Earl of Grantham: 
"I'm afraid something frightfully terrible has happened and we may loose Downton"

Countess of Grantham: 
"Oh my, that's horrible news"

Earl of Grantham: 
"Yes it is rather"

Mr Carson: 
"Excuse me my lord, an important telegram has just arrived"

Earl of Grantham: 
"Thank you Carson"

Countess of Grantham: 
"What is it dear?"

Earl of Grantham: 
"There's some wonderful news... it looks like Downton can be saved"

Countess of Grantham: 
"Oh my, that's wonderful news"

Earl of Grantham: 
"Yes it is rather"

Mr Carson: 
"An important telegram for you, my lord"

Earl of Grantham: 
"Thank you Carson"

Countess of Grantham: 
"What's wrong dear?"

Earl of Grantham: 
"I'm afraid something frightfully terrible has happened and we may loose Downton"

etc, etc, etc

Basically everything might be lost, but a few scenes later everything is going to be ok again. Hope this story-arc hasn't been done before (obviously, being sarcastic)

Downton Abbey... It's "Geordie Shore" for posh-folk (and those that would like to be posh)

Personally, I think it's an attempt to use "tabloid-drama" to induce the viewing British "Riff-Raff"... sorry, "Public", to yearn for a return to feudalism.

(Sigh) I think I'll put a Father Ted DVD on... I obviously need to have a laugh, a?

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