Friday, 19 September 2014

Yes & No

So glad that Scotland is staying. Thank you Lord for your mercy... it's a shot across this nation's bows!!! A lot of evil has been authorised by parliament in this last year. (Some 'Good' too, BUT there's some legislation was just plain evil and God's judgement was and still is, a breath away)

Europe was sharpening it's knives and Islam would have had a "scheme" if Great Britain had been dissolved.

Jesus said "Let your "Yes" be Yes and your "No" be no, anything beyond this, is from the Devil" - this has obvious application to Scotland's decision.

There is another aspect though, that I hope the UK parliament holds to. That is their pre-vote pledge to give great devolving powers to Scotland! They MUST keep their word!!! What Jesus said applies to Parliament too! The vote over the border was very close... there's enough potential division already.. (it could've divided households, like the miner's strike did in the 1980's) - if the Prime Minister doesn't do what he promised... a great bitterness will spread!

So, not just Scotland, but the UK Government, let your "Yes" be Yes and your "No" be no, anything beyond this is from the Devil.

Thank you Scotland... love you! Thank you Lord... LOVE YOU!

Freedom is Not Free (that's inflation for you folks)

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